Official Thank Fuck It’s Year Over Also Merry Christmas Shirt

Vick’s vapor rub. And not just an apocalypse. This is useful in any disaster. The smell of rotting bodies, sewage, trash, etc can be overwhelming to the point you throw up. If you throw up when resources are scarce you run the risk of getting dehydrated and risking death yourself. Rub some vapor rub under your nose to keep yourself from getting nauseous. This was recommended in the aftermath of New Orleans flooding due to people getting sick from the smell and dying. No, that's the stupidest idea ever. If you don't have a brain, the zombies won't Official Thank Fuck It’s Year Over Also Merry Christmas Shirt try to kill you, because they only eat the brain (I mean, why would you eat a leg, that's stupid) Soap. If a zombie can infect with a bite, it can probably infect with a scratch, or any fluids oozing out of its open wounds and into yours. Neglecting to do a proper scrub down after a melee with a zombie could be fatal, even if you never took a hit. Zombie brains on ...