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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2020

Perfect Malarkey Biden 2020 Sunglasses American Flag Election Shirt

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 They give the wealthy twice what they save on cutbacks. The thing is, the underlying idea, while immoral, was sound. If Democratic states got hit a lot harder than Republican ones that could be spun for political gain. The problem for the Trump campaign is the utter incompetence of everyone remotely involved with Trump. Because rather than realize a quick. And strong response resolving the pandemic would allow them to blame the Democrats for the states that had a large scale outbreak they figured they'd do nothing and the virus  Perfect Malarkey Biden 2020 Sunglasses American Flag Election Shirt would somehow obey state lines. Cuomo actively delayed the response of NY and in doing so thousands of people died that would have likely survived had he acted more decisively. Had there been a competent response. From the White House, we might be blaming Cuomo right now and Trump could well be on his way to a second term.  Buy it:  Perfect Malarkey Biden 2020 Sunglasses Am...

Happy Merry Christmas Santa Claus Shirt

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 I hire the best people. The best. I think this also ignores that the states that got initially hit hardest were states with a strong economy and travel for business purposes. I.e.the better the state was financially the harder it was initially hit. The only good that might come of this is we flip the governors in these states for good Georgia should have been flipped already and DeSantis ratings are tanking. When stupid incompetent people  Happy Merry Christmas Santa Claus Shirt have money. They’re evil, just evil. Louisiana is still in pretty bad shape, although it's because the Republicans kinda forced Bell's hand in reopening sooner than we were ready. Unfortunately, I think the jury is still out on whether the political strategy was effective. For the record, I am still hoping that saving lives turns out to be a better political strategy than not saving lives. They’re still going to point to overall deaths and deaths per capita though. That still shows NY, NJ, MA, and CT...

Funny Michigan Turned Blue Democrats Won The Election For Biden Stars Shirt

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 This really makes me wonder why they thought that republican governors would respond more effectively when they are pressured into doing  that makes the whole problem worse. Like you give them the carrot to act poorly. But you're betting on them doing well so you can blame the democrats? Did they really think rural areas were just gonna be immune? Genius! Let the blue state's flounder, kill residents, and have them take a major financial hit too. Not like they prop up the red states financially. These people are the dumbest  Funny Michigan Turned Blue Democrats Won The Election For Biden Stars Shirt mother-imaginable. It's also obvious it would hit the poorest states worse. The treatment for the disease is expensive and intensive. The highly social south v. the distant anti-social north. I wonder which one was going to get hit in the long run? Sure it'd start in the big pop centers, but it wasn't going to end there. I think that if Joe Biden is elected, there is a ...

Perfect Mute That Dude You’re On Mute Trump Presidential Debate 2020 Shirt

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 Not only that but trying to put this all on state governments and blame said governors for a lack of leadership is 1 an indictment of states' rights and shows a need for strong federal leadership during emergencies like a pandemic 2  points to the total failure of leadership from this Republican administration. Not only are our communities safer, but these governors saw a huge uptick in their approval rates. It’s almost like  Perfect Mute That Dude You’re On Mute Trump Presidential Debate 2020 Shirt people don’t want to die. Pretty strange, I know. The short-sightedness of this administration will never cease to amaze me. And then they actively tried to hurt Governors who were trying to respond to. By seizing PPE and making states outbid each other for protective equipment. It worked. the guy who does us. HR at work believes that it was mostly in democratic cities. Ohio went from national leader in March to try to become Florida in July. Buy it:  Perfect Mute That ...

Hot Period Debate Joe Biden Election Vintage Shirt

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 Furthermore, did they think infected wouldn't travel between Democrat and Republican strongholds? Hey jackass, voters aren't just going to compare red states with blue states. We can also see how other countries are faring. Not only that, the 1st states hit included a couple of big swing states in MI and OH. They went all out trying to demonize the governor of MI, but she was the only one trying to do something for MI. MA also may be seen as a blue state, but it  Hot Period Debate Joe Biden Election Vintage Shirt has a Republican governor, who also criticized the administration. Cuomo got national attention he probably wouldn't have otherwise got for his honest briefings he didn't sugarcoat the situation but managed to keep people from panicking at the same time. They were notable because it was a huge contrast to Trump. It was a very stupid strategy, indeed. Texas, hell the Texas response was absolute.  Buy it:  Hot Period Debate Joe Biden Election Vintage Shirt Ho...

Official Suburban Woman For Trump 2020 Election Shirt

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 This is typically the case in government. Too many times people just write off decisions as “this person is just an idiot. No. You don’t get to that level of power by being an idiot. Decisions are made to benefit certain people, parties, or organizations. The people need to simply resize that their government is not there to serve them. They serve their special interests under the guise of helping society. Yep, Bush had a plan for a national strategy  Official Suburban Woman For Trump 2020 Election Shirt drafted back in 2005. If Republicans had nominated JEB! instead of Trump, we'd probably have 100K+ fewer casualties. Which really means the deliberate decision was made out of incompetence. Deliberate up sounds like to me. Let’s call it both. That's gotta be some sort of crime right? Isn't that even to allow part of your country to die. It always gets worse.  When it first visited America, I was surprised at how many people appeared to their own government and assumed th...

Pretty Success Will Bring Us Together Debate 2020 Shirt

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 So the lack of national coordination was a deliberate decision, not because of incompetence. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Except, in this case, it was malice. Both. It was incompetent to think that the virus would stick to coastal cities. Por Que no Los dos. I  have worked in the CDC. The decision from the start was to not to respond but still try to embezzle divert the emergency funding. They’re mass and happy to be so. Sounds sensationalized but that’s god’s eternal truth.  I have worked in the CDC. The decision  Pretty Success Will Bring Us Together Debate 2020 Shirt from the start was to not to respond but still try to embezzle divert the emergency funding. They’re mass. And happy to be so. Sounds sensationalized but that’s god’s eternal truth. Let's not forget big business actually makes money during crises. In my opinion, they wanted to extend the damage as long as possible so that they can dish out hundreds of mil...

Nice Trump Biden Presidential Debate Keep My Name Out Your Mouth Abraham Lincoln Quotes Shirt

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 Also, democrat leaders were the only ones that pushed back sick patients who were old back into nursing homes to infect and kill other people in the nursing homes while hospitals with doctors stayed empty and without work. Even if Trump or Jared wanted to do something, they would have to go through the governor. Which the article fails to highlight and totally ignores it. Trump tried with many things to bring stuff to all the states as he recognized the. American people as One. And not through colors and political views like democratic leaders. The Democrats  Nice Trump Biden Presidential Debate Keep My Name Out Your Mouth Abraham Lincoln Quotes Shirt refused on multiple instances assistance. From the President and the White House teams. So before you go blame someone, understand other events that were transpiring during the same time so you get the whole picture. Do some Sherlock. So the lack of national coordination was a deliberate decision, not because of incompetence. Ne...

Hot Who Built The Cages Joe Trump Election 2020 Shirt

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 It is worse than you think. When you consider this as well as the Federal confiscation of pee early in the pandemic, the Executive Branch was purposefully putting the other team at risk of the pandemic and hoping that by killing Americans, they could get blue states to turn on the governors.  Agreed. My question is, is it illegal? Hopefully, someone better versed in actual laws can explain to me how this isn't criminally negligent. It's also a  Hot Who Built The Cages Joe Trump Election 2020 Shirt politically motivated murder. I think, is the word for that. It was planned. It's beyond bankrupt,  medical aid from a population. On the basis of political beliefs is literally a crime against humanity. And subject to prosecution by the International. Criminal Court if the US were a member. If there is any justice, he would be hauled up before a Nuremberg-style tribunal and dealt with in the same way. This is pure and simple. Yeah, it almost distracts from the fact that h...

Happy You’re All Talk No Action Quotes Donald Trump Election Shirt

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 Well, Americans approve of this kind of behavior so it doesn't come as a surprise. It is utterly psychopathic. Who tries to use a goddamn pandemic for political gain.  We're so normalized to this that nothing will happen but this should be viewed as an act of terrorism. They knew it was going to spread and the implications of it spreading and willingly sat back in hopes of making democrat states look bad.  Maybe he's earning some Russian  Happy You’re All Talk No Action Quotes Donald Trump Election Shirt bounties on the side, too? You know trump has got to be. I’m trying to decide how much worse it is that there are more. Republicans in California than most red states so it wasn’t about saving Republican voters and hurting Dem voters, it was even more cynical: it was about saving Repub electoral votes. It's murder, in fact. And he and his henchmen and his leader should be tried for such. This is a war, and these are war crimes.  Buy it:  Happy You’re All T...

Top Christmas Moose Car Shirt

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 You kill one guy and you get executed, you deliberately kill hundreds of thousands to rile the libs and, well, nothing. It's evil. Traitors to their own people, the lot of 'em.  And emotionally exhausted. But really it's messed up. Playing political games with public health is just pure evil. Vote them. I hope his pants get caught in an escalator and a blood bath ensues. He must serve prison time. Look up his father.  Apples from a  tree. It's more than that, its government planned murder. Crimes against humanity.  suspect they're doing the same again for unemployment  Top Christmas Moose Car Shirt rent protection. They think it's democrat voters that are going to be homeless and unable to mail in a ballot. Grossest thing I’ve read in a while. So, par for the course for this administration. It's because of stuff like this that convinces me that there must be a hell. Well, he's a master of bankruptcy so why not add a different kind to the repertoire. Mor...

Good And Into Scotland I Go To Lose My Mind And Find My Soul Shirt

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 It's more than that. It's murder. How about stealing ventilators and other medical supplies destined for city-states so he could play Santa and give the equipment away to who he sees fit. Show me one Trump member who is not morally bankrupt. Even if you want to attack the places of your political opponents which is dumb and evil in itself, did they never consider that they'd have supporters in the area? Is everyone in a place with a  gov a  supporter? Did they not think it would spread to other places? How are these people in charge of anything. Did  Good And Into Scotland I Go To Lose My Mind And Find My Soul Shirt they never consider that they'd have supporters in the area?  Is everyone in a place with a  gov a  supporter. Collateral damage. They don't give a flying about their supporters. Which is why it's so damn sad aggravating that the base is so loyal. You have to first have morals in order to bankrupt them. These people have absolutely no mor...

Original Bigfoot Big Moon Santa Christmas Gift Shirt

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 Kushner should start running now if he wants a trial. When things get even worse people might not take the time to bother with it. We used stealth choppers and navy seals to shoot Osama bin laden in the damn face for far less. But yeah, prison would work too I guess. Yup. This is negligence on a death scale that far surpasses the greatest terrorist attacks. Pretty sure biological warfare is a war crime. Doubly so if it's against your own citizens. I wish we lived in a world where rich powerful dudes consistently got some sort of punishment for their crimes. But IDK if that’s  Original Bigfoot Big Moon Santa Christmas Gift Shirt the world we live in. ruth and committee with a Nuremberg trial but done. Get these that are letting this happen. Worse. This is so.  Someone should but given our country’s track record. I wouldn’t put my money on it. Agreed, trying to think of on what crime though, like something that could be charged on the books and has precedent. They should, ...

Great Carole Baskin For President Election Sign Tiger King Shirt

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 Worshipping is just a small aspect of religion. Religion can provide a set of rules when you encounter big life issues. I don't think worshipping makes religion bad, but the fact that we made religion a hierarchical structure does. Yeah, uh, so, about god being real. To be fair God is universal, and Allah is only for Islam. Arabic Jews and Christians also call their god Allah. True. Doesn’t really change much considering you yourself just called it. Yeah no. I speak English not Arabic. English speaker uses the English word for a word, while Arabic speakers used. The Arabic  Great Carole Baskin For President Election Sign Tiger King Shirt word for a word. There should be just one language to make things easier, English or Chinese. One of the two. I agree, but it would be practically impossible with 7 Billion people in the world. America changing to Metric is seen as a massive task and is a big reason why people are opposed to it. Imagine trying to convert an entire planet int...

Official Carole Baskin For President Making Problems Disappear Shirt

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 God not being real and the dude being a dumbass aren't mutually exclusive. They're both true. It's not. Allah is a proper noun, specifically the name of the god of Islam. The 3 guy is right. Reddit, as usual, staunch in its ignorance. Yahweh is a proper noun too. Does that mean it's different from God? You make no sense. Clearly, most Christians don't know this. The random atheist knows better. Does that mean that God is not real and all Christians are actually Muslims, or that you're just a dumbass? Why not both the first and the last. No Muslims have a  Official Carole Baskin For President Making Problems Disappear Shirt different prophet than jews. And the jews different from. Christians, Muslims have Mohamed Christians have Jesus, u get the point. Each has a way of praising the same god if u don't agree with one of them and think the rules of the other are better but want to stay peaceful the same god then u can just change to another one of them. I sai...

Funny Dark Humor Is Like Food Not Everyone Gets It Shirt

Hình ảnh
 Note, certainly not calling the guy right or wrong. Just the last guy is being on purpose. Why does this keep coming out? It's wrong to say that Christians use Allah the same way Muslims do. I'll repeat my earlier comment. Christians and Muslims don't believe in the same God. If they did, Christians wouldn't be killed for saying Jesus is God. The very essence of Christianity is that God sent His son to save us and that Jesus is God. We may use  Funny Dark Humor Is Like Food Not Everyone Gets It Shirt similar words for God in Arabic but they do not refer to the same thing. There's no Mohammed in Christianity. I have no idea where you got this from. To expand on my point, there is a popular song by a Christian singer named Fairuz called ya Allah literally oh, mother of God about Mary. The Hail Mary prayer in Arabic uses ya Allah at the beginning of the second half for the Holy Mary mother of God pray for us part. Christians will also use Rab.  Buy it:  Funny Dark Hum...

Original Everything Is Fine 8-bit Shirt

Hình ảnh
 Well, I don't think that you used the word hence my objection but t really splitting hairs. I understand d what you mean. Then I used it correctly. Just because some asshole extremists did something terrible, that doesn't mean other people can't talk about religion. Does that mean that God is not real? He's right you morons, your both understanding of God is different. The guy is actually right. In Islam, Allah is what God is. God in Arabic is either or Arab. But Allah is unique to Islam. t’s okay to be an atheist, but all over religious people isn’t. Now I’m just gonna  Original Everything Is Fine 8-bit Shirt politely tell you like that other guy too. Yeah guy, you should because I was told to believe in God and you were too? And decided that there's no way that it could make sense. And because you thought for yourself instead of being religious you should. Seriously religion should. Do you even hear yourself speak? Mine too, but seriously, you know it's enti...

Awesome He Who Lives Without Discipline Dies Without Honor Shirt

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 Free market vs. Regulation. I can understand the idea of a free market, let the market decide. In the case of net neutrality, one side wants the market to decide whether zero-rating, or interconnection fees, and double-tapping are all within the core ideas of capitalism. On the other hand, I can also understand that the internet is no longer a luxury, but a requirement in every household. That there exists a de facto monopoly especially in areas where ISPs have sole  Awesome He Who Lives Without Discipline Dies Without Honor Shirt distribution rights. So yeah, both are ideas, do you let the market decide to enable unimpeded growth. Or do you fight for the benefit of many. I am of course for net neutrality, but I can understand the nuances of those against it. But then again, the idea itself is fluid, where it may not apply to all scenarios, and thus the debate. How are any of these subjects intangible? the point I was making is that God is intangible.  Buy it:  Awes...

Funny Healthcare Worker Shirt

Hình ảnh
 I don’t recall Jesus ever going on crusades or being a pedo. That sounds like Muhammad actually is a lot more not the teachings of one prophet messiah blessed by god etc figure. You have to take Jesus' teachings together with all the old testament vengeful. Sure, but there is a difference between the new and old covenants. There is a reason Christians aren’t vegetarians and don’t make animal sacrifices anymore. Because people didn't like certain aspects and chose not to follow them. That doesn't change the fact that the god they worship is still the one  Funny Healthcare Worker Shirt who supposedly did all of that horrible. That’s not true. Jesus fulfilled all of the Old Testament laws by dying on the cross. Jesus is the new covenant. Show one scripture or bible text where God is referred to as Allah or show me any version of the Quran, including English, german, french where Allah is addressing as God or whatever god is called in other languages. It is always Allah. There...

Good I’m Ma Go Full Sicko Mode On Yo Mo Bamba Ass Shirt

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 In general, be courteous to others. Debate discuss argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any advocating or wishing death physical harm, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban. If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them. For those who have questions regarding any media outlets being posted on this subreddit, please click here to review our details as to our  Good I’m Ma Go Full Sicko Mode On Yo Mo Bamba Ass Shirt approved domains list and outlet criteria. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.  Someone should go to prison for this. Am I  correctly. Prison? With dead and half a million deaths expected this year. Donald Trump likes to claim that he is a wartime president, which would mean that aiding our enemy is treason. Right? This has to be criminal neglig...

Top Merry Christmas Except For That Bitch Carole Baskin To Everyone Joe Exotic Shirt

Hình ảnh
 God not being real and the dude being a dumbass aren't mutually exclusive. They're both true. It's not. Allah is a proper noun, specifically the name of the god of Islam. The  3 guy is right.  Reddit, as usual, staunch in its ignorance. Yahweh is a proper noun too. Does that mean it's different from God? You make no sense. Clearly, most Christians don't know this. The random atheist knows better. Does that mean that God is not real and all Christians are actually Muslims, or that you're just a dumbass? Why not both the first and the last. No Muslims have a  Top Merry Christmas Except For That Bitch Carole Baskin To Everyone Joe Exotic Shirt different prophet than jews. And the jews different from. Christians, Muslims have Mohamed Christians have Jesus, u get the point. Each has a way of praising the same god if u don't agree with one of them and think the rules of the other is better but want to stay peaceful with the same god then u can just change to ano...

Happy Love Accessories Shirt

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 No, one person is arguing that the Christian God is greater than the Muslim God. The other person is arguing that to express this thought using God  Allah just shows how ignorant the first guy is.  Why do I feel like the next reply was the dude saying? But the Bible was written in English and it says God just waiting to get torn apart again? The original apostle, King James. If I were that dude, I would just close my laptop, walk out of my room, head through the door, do the dinosaur. Everyone’s missing his point. It’s the same God but the Islamic and Jewish  Happy Love Accessories Shirt view of God is Unitarian; Christians are.  Ex Muslim for reference. The word Allah was used by Arab Christians and Arab Jews before Islam. It was always simply the word for God. Islam began around the 6th century CE. The crescent moon symbol wasn't used by Muslims until around 13 century CE.  Buy it:  Happy Love Accessories Shirt Home: Teeshirtbear

Hot Merry Liftmas Christmas Funny Sweat Shirt

Hình ảnh
 Note, certainly not calling the guy right or wrong. Just the last guy is being on purpose.  Why does this keep coming out? It's wrong to say that Christians use Allah the same way Muslims do. I'll repeat my earlier comment. Christians and Muslims don't believe in the same God. If they did, Christians wouldn't be killed for saying Jesus is God. The very essence of Christianity is that God sent His son to save us and that Jesus is God. We may use similar words  Hot Merry Liftmas Christmas Funny Sweat Shirt for God in Arabic but they do not refer to the same thing. There's no Mohammed in Christianity, I have no idea where you got this from. To expand on my point, there is a popular song by a Christian singer named Fairuz called ya Allah literally oh, mother of God about Mary. The Hail Mary prayer in Arabic uses ya  Allah at the beginning of the second half for the Holy Mary mother of God pray for us part. Christians will also use Rab. What?  Buy it:  Hot Mer...

Nice Drink Coffee My Christmas Is All Booked Owl Shirt

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 I’m not Christian, I’m Muslim. Okay, I changed Christians to religious people. My point still stands to read my reply again but slowly. If you believe Jesus is God, and God is Allah, then Jesus is Allah. Which is clearly not the case. This is why I believe Christians think Allah and God are separate concepts.  So many triggered snowflakes. I’m gonna use long words to make myself look smart. Im pretty sure at the simplest terms Muslims think the messiah is Muhammad and Christians think the messiah is Jesus, they both think of the god with different messiahs  Nice Drink Coffee My Christmas Is All Booked Owl Shirt and other flows from there. Jesus is technically the Messiah in either religion. Mohammed holds the title of the prophet. Muslims just don't think Jesus is the son of god. Everything I read says that Allah generally refers to the Islamic god. The thing is, there is no Islamic god. This is the same god. The same goes for Judaism. We're just reiterating god. Islam d...

Official Personal Jesus Lyrics 50 Years Depeche Mode Shirt

Hình ảnh
 Well, I don't think that you used the word hence my objection but t  really splitting hairs. I understand d what you mean. Then I used it correctly. Just because some asshole extremists did something terrible, that doesn't mean other people can't talk about religion. Does that mean that God is not real? He's right you morons, your both understanding of God is different. The guy is actually right. In Islam, Allah is what God is. God in Arabic is either or 'Arab'. But Allah is unique to Islam.  t’s okay to be an atheist, but all over religious people isn’t. Now I’m just gonna  Official Personal Jesus Lyrics 50 Years Depeche Mode Shirt politely tell you like that other guy too. Yeah guy, you should because I was told to believe in God and you were too? And decided that there's no way that it could make sense. And because you thought for yourself instead of being religious you should. Seriously religion should. Do you even hear yourself speak? Mine too, but ser...

Original Rottweiler With Cigar Wearing Aviator Sunglass Shirt

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 This doesn't hold water, because we're speaking English. In English, Allah is used when referring to the Islamic God. If we were speaking Arabic and were miraculously not Muslim, then maybe this would be true. But even in Arabic, 'Allah' is disproportionately used to refer to the Islamic God. That last one might just be a coincidence since most Arabic speakers are Muslim, but what do you want to that they have a word for god that is  Original Rottweiler With Cigar Wearing Aviator Sunglass Shirt distinct from. There's Al Qadeer which I think means the all-mighty. Or do you mean a word for a generic god? That would be. There's even a word goddess.  What do you think Jesus called God. Daddy. Allah is the God of Adam, Abraham, and Jesus. Yes, as Muslims understand him. No one says "Allah" in English, unless they are referring to the god of Islam. But even in Arabic, 'Allah' is disproportionately used to refer to the Islamic God. To any other entit...

Pretty See The Able Not The Label Autism Awareness Shirt

Hình ảnh
 Free market vs. Regulation. I can understand the idea of a free market, let the market decide. In the case of net neutrality, one side wants the market to decide whether zero-rating, or interconnection fees, and double-tapping are all within the core ideas of capitalism. On the other hand, I can also understand that the internet is no longer a luxury, but a  Pretty See The Able Not The Label Autism Awareness Shirt requirement in every household. That there exists a de facto monopoly especially in areas where ISPs have sole distribution rights. So yeah, both are ideas, do you let the market decide to enable unimpeded growth. Or do you fight for the benefit of many? I am of course for net neutrality, but I can understand the nuances of those against it. But then again, the idea itself is fluid, where it may not apply to all scenarios, and thus the debate. How are any of these subjects intangible? the point I was making is that God is intangible. the economy and the internet are...

Premium Snoopy And Charlie Brown Christmas Begins With Christ Shirt

Hình ảnh
 I don’t recall Jesus ever going on crusades or being a pedo. That sounds like Muhammad actually is a lot more not the teachings of one prophet messiah blessed by god etc figure. You have to take Jesus' teachings together with all the old testament vengeful. Sure, but there is a difference between the new and old covenants. There is a reason Christians aren’t vegetarians and don’t make animal sacrifices anymore.  Because people didn't like certain aspects and chose not to follow them. That doesn't change the fact that the god they worship is still the one  Premium Snoopy And Charlie Brown Christmas Begins With Christ Shirt who supposedly did all of that horrible. That’s not true. Jesus fulfilled all of the Old Testament laws by dying on the cross. Jesus is the new covenant. Show one scripture or bible text where God is referred to as Allah or show me any version of the Quran, including English, german, french where Allah is addressing as God or whatever god is called in ...

Cute So There Is This Girl Who Kinda Stole My Heart She Calls Me Papa Shirt

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 Man, I'm kinda jealous so many parents have houses that you can even move back into !! I grew up in section 8 and my family has pretty much zero real estate or any other assets. Everyone is on their own. Was this the America they were trying to bring back? 100% of adults live with their parents until they get married.  Out of curiosity what jobs are you guys looking for? Which jobs let you go? How many of them are paying full rent to their parents, I wonder. And how many are just destitute. Im that stereotypical mid-20s something weeb gamer that  Cute So There Is This Girl Who Kinda Stole My Heart She Calls Me Papa Shirt lives in their parent's basement. I lived with my parents until I was 26. It was by choice though. I didn't want to rent an apartment but wanted to buy a starter house instead and have emergency savings, etc. Worked out well. Not really surprising to be honest. With mounting student loan debt and the increasing cost of homes/ apartments. Nothing feels a...

Nice That Just Happened Tampa Shirt

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 A family member who passed a house on to them. A  group of friends to move in together with to split rent/keep you sane. Balls of steel to go online and find randoms to split rent with. Move somewhere far from everyone you know because the cost of living is much lower than where you are now. I was really hoping the real estate industry would have taken a big hit by now with these inflated ass prices but it seems like we're just chugging along  Nice That Just Happened Tampa Shirt as usual. Is it really that shocking since people haven't made enough money to live off of unless they have a degree? Since around that time? I'd say over of workers without a college degree don't make enough to live off of, while renting requirements which is what most people our age range continue to skyrocket despite wages that stagnate.  I am currently going to school but at the moment I am making. Not great obviously, but better than a lot of people I know.  Buy it:  Nice Tha...