Pretty Tupac Chopra Shirt
I've spent a lot if time outside the US but I cannot get over pooping and having
my turd just sitting there in the open air until it's flushed. Once had a toilet
in Austria that effectively had a flat shelf under the natural poop landing
place, and it was washed to Pretty Tupac Chopra Shirt the front upon
flushing. The most horribly designed toilet I've ever seen. Turd just sitting
there stinking up the place. God forbid you have diarrhea. Oh my god. When
I was studying abroad in Italy, my group and I tipped our waiter something like
75€ and in broken English he told us to wait in our seats. It was our first week
abroad and we didn’t know if we did something wrong and were a little nervous. A
couple minutes later he brings our entire table shots of Limoncello on the house
because it’s not customary to tip and he wanted to treat us because we gave him
a large tip. I went to Israel for several years and lived on a kibbutz.
Eventually, another American from Miami, we’re talking typical Miami suburban
white boy stereotype to a tee, went there to volunteer. This guy was in the
negev desert where they had their own egg chickens, and he kept bitching about
how he couldn’t find any pasteurized egg whites. Because he wanted to drink them
in his protein shake. And was on a strict “I eat every 2 hours” regimen. He kept
going up to all the guys and giving them unsolicited advice on how to cut or how
to get big, bro. Imma get you big, bro.
Buy it: Pretty Tupac Chopra Shirt
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