Gnome I Bake But My Favorite Hobby Is Collecting Baking Tools Shirt
There are unsafe places everywhere. Bad neighborhoods, bad cities, bad cops, and bad places. This is true of almost every country. This comment is in reference to other parts of the world where genocides, murders, and robberies run rampant in the streets. The US is of course not perfectly safe, but it's much safer than the Gnome I Bake But My Favorite Hobby Is Collecting Baking Tools Shirt darker parts of the world. The fact that no one would ever be able to establish a child army here is a pleasant thought. Also i take solace in the fact that we will most likely not see a war on our soil in our lifetimes. Unfortunately, this is an absolutely terrifying reality for some countries, and i wouldn't wish it on ANYONE. America is the most geographically protected country in the world if you're not counting Antarctica. Separated on both sides by oceans, and surrounded by allies. An invasion would be nearly impossible logistically.
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