Halloween Skull Wiry Burst Behind Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt
He used cynicism towards HRC to convince Dem voters to stay home. Accusations of conspiracy and secret agendas towards Biden have fallen flat. Trump's behavior over the last 4 years means a large portion of the voters won't care or believe anything he or AG Barr cook up at the last minute. Trump attempted to manufacture a Biden scandal, which led to Trump getting himself impeached. Trump is terrified of Biden. He can't even Halloween Skull Wiry Burst Behind Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt label him with a name that sticks. Most voters understand now that defeating the incumbent is more important than any individual issue. HRC's campaign was a mile wide and inches deep. Her campaign took their eye off the ball with a 50-state strategy, allowing the more-focused Trump campaign to steal the rust belt from under their noses. That won't happen this time. Everyone now knows the consequences of a gutless narcissistic hack occupying the WH, while his wormtounge aides dismantle the country for personal profit or extremest ideology.
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