Yes He’s Cycling I Don’t Know When He'Ll Be Home He’s Not An Imaginary Shirt
Mod banned me a few months ago and straight-up said because he didn’t agree with what I said. Wasn’t being a dick or anything. Taxes and the programs those taxes fund can and obviously do exist, even the hellish capitalism that is present in the US. Agreed, I hate the watering down of the term socialism that seems to be taking place in the popular consciousness. It has a very specific meaning, and it has nothing to do with taxing Yes He’s Cycling I Don’t Know When He'Ll Be Home He’s Not An Imaginary Shirt citizens to fund social services. Literally every country does that whether it's a socialist country or not. I refuse to vote for any candidate who does not pledge that on day one of their term in office they will fire America's entire nuclear arsenal at random points all over the globe in an effort to render this planet uninhabitable down to the unicellular level and free us from the misery of samsara forever. they don't think the united proletariat can seize the means of production in a revolution, but here's the deal mack, through co-ordinated mass action, led by a vanguard party, we can easily establish worker control throughout the United States in a few months.
Buy it: Yes He’s Cycling I Don’t Know When He'Ll Be Home He’s Not An Imaginary Shirt
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