Vegeta I Offended You What Does It Feel Like To Be So Weak That Mere Words Hurt You Shirt
They found no collusion whatsoever with Russia, the reason they found it is there was no collusion at all. No collusion. This is the most biased group of people, these people have the biggest conflicts of interest I've ever seen. Democrats all -- or just about all, either Democrats or a couple of Republicans that worked for president Obama. They're not looking at the other side. They're not looking at the Hillary Clinton horrible things that she did Vegeta I Offended You What Does It Feel Like To Be So Weak That Mere Words Hurt You Shirt and all of the crimes that were committed. They're not looking at all of the things that happened that everybody is very angry about, I can tell you, from the Republican side and I think even the independent side. They only keep looking at us so they find no collusion and then they go from there and they say well, let's keep going and they raid an office of a personal attorney early in the morning and I think it's a disgrace....