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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2020

Sugar Skull Trippy Day Of The Dead Muertos Shirt

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 It's to counter the propaganda. Trump supporters are incentivized to spread articles like this since it increases likelihood of supporters making greater efforts to go out to vote (i.e. even in extenuating circumstances) and decreases the likelihood that Republicans who plan to vote Blue stay home. Thank you. I'm sick of the doom and gloom. I want to see him winning polls because it fires me up and gets me excited to vote. I'm super excited about Biden, his policies and his malleable stances where he's willing to listen. When I run  Sugar Skull Trippy Day Of The Dead Muertos Shirt simulations, Trump currently has a 1:10 chance of winning reelection based on current polls. That doesn't mean Trump is guaranteed to lose even if the polls are accurate. Remember. Trump had a 1:4 chance of winning election based on 538's last simulation in 2016, which means Trump winning wasn't entirely unexpected given the polls. So everyone needs to vote. When it comes to the ...

Sugar Skull Flower Day Of Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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 The way I see it is they haven’t realized that their Russian propaganda routine is only going to keep them the voters they’ve already had. You’ll see reality hit them in October when Trump is still falling behind in support and their “big Biden reveal” doesn’t do shit to hurt his ratings. That’s when you’ll see them desperate. If anything the Biden sexual assault claim was their Hillary emails and since it didn’t work they’re going to  Sugar Skull Flower Day Of Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt try something with Barr. But I don’t see it sticking since almost all attorneys in the US are calling for Barr’s impeachment. Exactly this. Pivoting away from Trump now would risk losing too much of their base. I think a lot of Republicans are still in that mindset after 2016 where "polls are always wrong!" so they have a sense of false confidence. From all accounts I’ve seen republicans are shitting their pants right now. They do know they’re in trouble. 100% on all your points. This is...

Stay Spooky Retro Skull Halloween 2020 Shirt

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 Polls also can energize. People want to vote and organize for a winner.Even if he loses, how bad could it get for them really? As long as they’re loyal to the, they’ll be taken care of by the. But if they abandon Trump, they risk losing their party, their voters and it’s not like Democrats will take them in. Think about it this way, we will win purple states but I don’t realistically see us taking red states. And even blue states have Republican  Stay Spooky Retro Skull Halloween 2020 Shirt majority districts. There’s plenty of rocks for Republicans to crawl under. But if they abandon Trump, they’ll lose those rocks. I don't know how the Republicans aren't freaking out and looking to replace. Trump and other leaders right now, it's a little scary they aren't worried, to be honest. I don't know how the Republicans aren't freaking out and looking to replace Trump and other leaders right now, it's a little scary they aren't worried, to be honest. I've ...

Official Thick Thighs Spooky Vibes Halloween Shirt

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 Taking the 2018 midterms as a barometer, 2020 is a completely different animal to what 2020 will be. Comparing the two now is disingenuous at best. Probably. It’s still worth saying. If someone pleading for a stranger to vote brings in a single extra ballot, then they have achieved a tangible benefit at minuscule cost. The chance alone is worth the comment. Obviously, people should invest more effort than just spamming “vote,” but  Official Thick Thighs Spooky Vibes Halloween Shirt spamming “vote” is infinitely helpful then any other type of low effort posting of which there is way too much of. No matter what, vote! The republican party and Trump need to be crushed this election. Play like you're 50 points behind!" Could be inspiring but could also be defeatism. I'd rather have a "You got this dude! Remember to check your registration. I'm also tired of everyone in the comments just shouting VOTE at these articles. Yeah, we fucking know, especially people in a po...

Nice The Spooky Year 2020 Halloween Day Shirt

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 Plus, coronavirus is getting worse and he took the most harmful position possible on it, from a political point of view. Anyone else tired of these kind of articles? The last election wasn’t 2016. It was 2018. Where both parties had record midterm turnout and the democrats absolutely routed the republicans. Yes. She had more votes, and was leading. Biden’s lead is what her lead was. That’s not the same. I'm with you. I mean, I understand we shouldn't become complacent. But 2016 Trump was a completely different prospect than  Nice The Spooky Year 2020 Halloween Day Shirt now as the incumbent. Voters were willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt as a candidate who would come to. Washington and shake up the status quo. Especially running against Clinton, seen by many as another bureaucrat, establishment candidate. Fast forward 4 years, Trumps accomplishments are few, despite the "promises kept" banners, and his position as the "outsider" is gone. He has ...

Halloween Skull Wiry Burst Behind Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt

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 He used cynicism towards HRC to convince Dem voters to stay home. Accusations of conspiracy and secret agendas towards Biden have fallen flat. Trump's behavior over the last 4 years means a large portion of the voters won't care or believe anything he or AG Barr cook up at the last minute. Trump attempted to manufacture a Biden scandal, which led to Trump getting himself impeached. Trump is terrified of Biden. He can't even  Halloween Skull Wiry Burst Behind Day Dead Dia De Los Muertos Shirt label him with a name that sticks. Most voters understand now that defeating the incumbent is more important than any individual issue. HRC's campaign was a mile wide and inches deep. Her campaign took their eye off the ball with a 50-state strategy, allowing the more-focused Trump campaign to steal the rust belt from under their noses. That won't happen this time. Everyone now knows the consequences of a gutless narcissistic hack occupying the WH, while his wormtounge aides d...

Day Of The Dead Dia De Muertos Sugar Skull Shirt

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 The fact that Texas is viewed as a battleground state is going to substantially increase turnout among Dems who probably have spent most of their lives in Texas assuming that their votes won’t matter in a deep red state. Yep. Polling would need to have gotten significantly worse for Biden to lose the way Clinton did, while the evidence from the midterms indicates the opposite. A lot can change between now and the election, but  Day Of The Dead Dia De Muertos Sugar Skull Shirt right now it's looking legitimately bad for Trump. There are significant trends in current polling that should encourage you. Use this encouragement to keep going, not get complacent. You should absolutely be steeling against the coming onslaught of dark money disinfo ads. That said, here is why 2020 doesn't look like 2016. Trump has his base, but no broad support among any other voter block. It it extremely doubtful Trump has gained significant support since 2016. At the same time, no one really hates ...

Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Sugar Skull Dark Butterfly Shirt

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 But the polls really didn't. National polls were pretty good and got the margin pretty much spot on. Yes, they were off in 3 states, it just so happened that those 3 states were what flipped the election. That said, I think this bias will disappear if the polling is accurate in 2020 and Biden wins, it's just annoying to have to listen to this revisionist history about 2016 in the meantime. I would tend to only go with polls of likely voters in Texas, since the  Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Sugar Skull Dark Butterfly Shirt turnout is abysmally low (which favors the Republicans). And you know they’ll suppress the vote as much as possible to keep it that way. Biden would have to be +10 among likely voters, 2 weeks out, with barely any undecideds for me to believe it haha. The polls did not “call the election wrong.” That isn’t how polls work. They show odds of outcomes. If I flip a coin 10 times, odds are it’ll be close to 50/50. But would you be that surprised if it was 8-2? Nope...

Cute Ghost With Candy Halloween Day 2020 Shirt

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 What happened in 2016 was an unlikely aligning of the stars for Trump. Both candidates had high unfavorables, but Trump manage to heavily win those who hated both candidates. Why? Because he was seen as an outsider at the time and we were coming off 8 years of a Democratic president. Trump lost the popular vote by a large 2.1 point margin, he just got elected by 70,000 votes spread across 3 states. It wasn't because of  Cute Ghost With Candy Halloween Day 2020 Shirt some amazing campaign strategy, it was because Clinton was a poor candidate and slightly different turnout in those 3 key states. These people also ignore the 2018 midterms, which saw a massive Democratic swing, and the fact that reelection campaigns are referendums on the sitting president more than they are on the challenger. This all puts Biden in a much stronger position than Clinton ever was. Yep, and Clinton basically ignored those states during the campaign - if she had campaigned there is bet she would hav...

Cute Bad Witch Happy Halloween Day Shirt

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 This, if Trump was polling at 10%, wouldn't you still be motivated to go vote against him? The more states/votes he loses by, the less chance he has of claiming fraud and trying to steal the election, right? VOTE! The world and your life depends on America voting him out! Also, contrary to what trump thinks elections are not about just the president. Electing a sheriff that supports a honest and humane police force, or maybe a  Cute Bad Witch Happy Halloween Day Shirt senator that will be in favor of fairer tax laws. You know the shit that matters. A while back, someone posted a link to a study which found that. People believing their candidate is way ahead actually makes them more motivated to go out and vote (presumably because of the Bandwagon Effect), but I still just can't bring myself to say, "ignore the polls, let's just act like Biden is way ahead no matter what." I say, vote like it's Alabama in 2018.  Buy it:  Cute Bad Witch Happy Halloween Day Shi...

Wickedly Handsome Pumpkin Halloween Day 2020 Shirt

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 People underestimate just how close 2016 was. Trump won a royal flush. It was a perfect storm against Hillary. Hillary was a candidate demonized for 30 years by Republicans over completely fabricated nonsense like Benghazi and Pizzagate, and we know Republicans don't give a crap about Benghazi and basically the entire Republican party is implicated in pedophile scandals. They attacked her over dumb crap like her  Wickedly Handsome Pumpkin Halloween Day 2020 Shirt foundation, despite the fact that Trump's foundation was shut down for being a criminal scam that stole from kids with cancer. They attacked her over emails, despite everyone in the Trump administration using private emails and servers. Trump commits bigger breaches of national security every day than Hillary did in her entire career. She had Russians hacking the DNC and dumping dirt during the election. They had a massive propaganda network turning Hillary into Satan, and we know how gullible Americans are over prop...

Ghoul Just Wanna Have Fun Halloween Day Shirt

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 It’s different though. In 2016 no one hated trump, but people absolutely hated Clinton. I would imagine the amount of people that liked both candidates, or even loved them, were roughly comparable, more may have even liked Clinton than liked trump. But it’s hard when such huge swaths will never vote for you. This time it’s the reverse. I’m in a camp of leftists that absolutely hate biden, but the numbers of those of that group that  Ghoul Just Wanna Have Fun Halloween Day Shirt won’t vote for time are small enough it’s not of any consequence. For the most part while biden isn’t exciting he isn’t hated and. We have this idea of elections as this kind of sacred ritual that one is undertaking, that you should be inspired and in love with the candidate. But I often think people need to think about it more like taking out the trash. It’s a thing that you should do. Brushing your teeth is hygiene. Buy it:  Ghoul Just Wanna Have Fun Halloween Day Shirt Home: Teeshirtbear

Day Of The Dead Fashion Sugar Skull Flower Crown Halloween Shirt

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 Polling data is only useful in estimating the popular vote. As in how many people will vote for who. Because of the electoral college the candidate who gets the most votes doesn’t necessarily win. For example, Hillary won the popular vote. That’s not some abstract liberal propaganda statement it’s a simple fact; more people vote for Hillary. But she didn’t have the numbers from the electoral college to get elected. For example, Hillary won  Day Of The Dead Fashion Sugar Skull Flower Crown Halloween Shirt the popular vote. That’s not some abstract liberal propaganda statement it’s a simple fact; more people vote for Hillary. But she didn’t have the numbers from the electoral college to get elected. I'm convinced a lot of Republicans lie on polls. After Trump won a lot were interviewed and said they were "embarrassed" to say they were planning on voting Trump. So basically, just vote, everyone. Polls might be misleading. Hillary won the popular vote by 3 percentage points....

Day Of The Dead El Dia De Los Muertos Halloween Shirt

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 Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but lost the electoral college. This may happen again. Fear a country where the vote of the average person means nothing. While I agree that Democrats absolutely shouldn't be complacent and need to turn up to vote this is also disingenuous when you compare the numbers and  Day Of The Dead El Dia De Los Muertos Halloween Shirt see that Biden is running circles around Hillary's 2016 numbers, nationally, in swing states, and in red states. Christ, the man has a lead in Texas. Give him some credit. I honestly think (hope?) that November will see the biggest turnout of voters in US history and Biden will smash it out the park. Not because Biden is such a good candidate but because he's the only other choice. He’s going to lose. This time he is down in all the swing states and hardcore republican states. He’s not down by a couple points either. To top it off he’s losing old white people because of rona.  Buy it:  Day Of The Dead El D...

Day Of The Dead Dia De Muertos Skull Simple Halloween Shirt

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 The election is as far away as now is to the beginning of the lockdowns. The polls at this point literally mean nothing. And if theres anything we should have learned from 2016 its that the polls and stats were not incorrect its just that most people dont understand stats. 25% chance of winning is still a chance of winning. Imagine if you had a 25% chance of winning the lottery. Everyone would be multi millionaires. Once we get  Day Of The Dead Dia De Muertos Skull Simple Halloween Shirt closer to election day, Maxwell will play her part for Trumps campaign and all the creepy Uncle Joe stuff will start to go mainstream like with Hillary and her emails. And if that doesn't work they'll start to play up Biden's senileness like they did with Hillary's medical issues and body doubles or whatever crazy bullshit they were reaching for at the time when plan 1 didn't work. Two weeks before the last election a fake scandal conveniently appeared that made people doubt Clint...

Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Vintage Sugar Skull Shirt

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 The polls really aren't saying the same thing. Four years ago the candidate the public knew the most about was winning. Now the one they know the most about is losing. That's a very different dynamic. Many don’t care until election day, so these poll numbers don’t mean shit. That’s why Hillary lost and Americans were floored when it turned out they did not have the election in the bag like polls predicted. No, Trump is  Day Of The Dead Dia De Los Muertos Vintage Sugar Skull Shirt losing in a 4-way match between Hillary Clinton college Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and Donald Trump. Last election cycle, there was always the fear that the Gary Johnson voters would come home and coalesce towards trump. And lo and behold, guess what happened? Now, there are two clear choices in this election. I'm against the idea that life is just doomed to be a repeat of 2016, but I do think it is true that things will be much, much closer than the polls are claiming. Buy it:  Day Of The Dead ...

Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Ouiji Board Shirt

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 Lets face it. Biden isnt a great candidate but Hes actually still beloved. Hillary was hated from the start and it just got worst as the campaign progresses. She was even hated by at least half of democrats. Biden is in no way hated. As a Canadian, please please vote this time. My goal was to always move south - to the states. But the last 4-6 years have left such a bad taste in my mouth, I want nothing to do with it. Honestly, trump has done  Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Ouiji Board Shirt such a good job making me proud to be Canadian. Please make America great again for real this time. What does Bindin stand for? Or is the only reason people would consider voting for him is hes not Trump. The electoral college representatives vote for whomever won their state's majority of votes. There are about 7 states that aren't absolutely red or blue and could go either way those are called swing states. They will decide the election.  Buy it:  Day Of Dead Dia De Muertos Ouiji...

Cute Ghost With Hat Halloween Day 2020 Shirt

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 Man, y'all got short memories. Hillary was 9 or 10 points ahead in the polls until the WikiLeaks hack and publication of the DNC emails about a month before the election (and the corresponding conservative media hysteria) which cut her lead in half. Then a week before the election the FBI announced that they were re-opening the investigation into her email server, and her lead was cut in half again to below the margin of error. By election day the polls were pretty even, yea but i really think this time they'll be right. this dude is not  Cute Ghost With Hat Halloween Day 2020 Shirt gonna rebound from corona. Seeing as though he’s actually attempting to manage things and doing poorly I don’t see the polls changing greatly. Hillary ended up being more polarizing than Biden imo.One of my workers who is black and been to jail several times in the last decade is a felon and cannot vote. He says he has gotten more money from this administration than any other. I asked if he still...

Cute Boo Little Cute Ghost Perfect This Halloween Shirt

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 Exactly what I’ve been saying. I see a lot of people with this idea that these 4 years “must have shown trump supporters how bad he really is”. You could not be more wrong. I live in a fairly middle class neighborhood in a California and the amount of support Trump has here is astounding. Hmmmm i dont know what will be worse lol we already have the worst President in the history of the U.S. I wonder if Biden could be worse  Cute Boo Little Cute Ghost Perfect This Halloween Shirt than trump? Is it possible? Folks, you don’t understand how many around people my age (19-23) don’t like Trump, but are refusing to vote Biden because of his moments where he forgets stuff. For the love of God, go vote. Even if it’s for a third party candidate, for Biden, hell, even for Trump, use your vote. Do your research, stay informed, and use your right to vote. There is a big difference between telling a pollster who you support and actually voting. Actually voting, particularly in a few key st...

All The Cute Ghouls Love Me Halloween Day Shirt

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 Number one: There's probably a good percentage of voters now voting for Biden because he's not Trump. America has had nearly 4 years of him and those 4 years act as evidence for a determination. Number two: Hillary was a woman. Say what you want, but there were and are still plenty of people in this country who believe/believed that a woman is unfit for the office of the President. If Hillary Clinton we're "Hilton Clinton" in some bizarre reality, he would have most likely garnered enough votes to beat the electoral college, let alone  All The Cute Ghouls Love Me Halloween Day Shirt win the popular vote. I don't find Biden as "likable" as many of the other candidates for the democratic pick. I think most of his appeal comes from his experience as VP for Obama. For the black community yes, but also among most demographics. I believe that most voters vote almost instinctively, most don't even brush up on policy or political history, success and f...

Yes He’s Cycling I Don’t Know When He'Ll Be Home He’s Not An Imaginary Shirt

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 Yeah, there is an increasing number of times I will see trolls in a news clip's comment section and it will have links to some fake news clip. Then I check out the content of the fake news channel and it's typically a weird blend of viral videos that are just weird algorithm bait mixed with obvious pro-Putin and/or Trump propaganda. “The operation conducted its targeting with pinpoint precision,” Graphika’s report said. “English-language Facebook assets run by the operation itself focused very heavily on a small number of  Yes He’s Cycling I Don’t Know When He'Ll Be Home He’s Not An Imaginary Shirt political groups, including Democratic Socialists, environmentalists, and disgruntled Democrats in the United States. Yes, it actually does. This is 100% false. Ranked-choice voting lessens its impact but does not actually counter it.  By doing this, the Kremlin was seeking to target an audience of left-leaning voters in the U.S. who it believes can be dissuaded from supportin...

Raab Boris Cummings Gove Shapps Hancock Patel Reesmogg Sunak Shirt

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 It shouldn't be headline news, though. In a reasonable timeline, the news would pester her about it, she'd say "my bad, I'm only human. Don't do what I did," and then we'd all get on with our lives. Don’t feed into the narratives of groups that will abuse your goodwill. Airtime and focus is the number one method of media outlets to systematically push an agenda without lying outright. Yes, it’s important to call out Pelosi for not taking  Raab Boris Cummings Gove Shapps Hancock Patel Reesmogg Sunak Shirt necessary safety precautions but it’s a footnote compared to all the other shit going on, and the fact that Fox and right-wing social media activists focus on this shows two things. I completely agree, I just don’t necessarily like the idea that we can’t hold “our people” accountable because right-wing news outlets will run with it. Maybe it’s just the way it is currently, but I don’t like being hamstrung by what the other side will do even if it is a re...

Official Dinosaur T-rex Turkey Shirt

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 Trump is worse. We can still criticize Pelosi for being so tone-deaf as to go get her damned hair done and not wearing a mask while doing it. She's supposed to do better than that. She's one of the people telling us to do better than that. She has to lead by example... and then does this crap. No, it's not the most important thing. No, it shouldn't dominate the news. Yes, we can still tell her she's wrong and then moves on to the other stuff. Apparently she did wear a mask, just not while they were washing her hair, which is of course the only clip they  Official Dinosaur T-rex Turkey Shirt showed. She didn’t wear a mask for the part where they wash her hair. It’s not even she didn’t wear a mask for the whole thing, literally a small portion. Which we should call out! I’m a leftist who is going to vote Democrat, and I’d vote for Pelosi if I lived in her district, but we have to call out the fact that that isn’t ok. Oh yeah I mean this isn’t the front page of the m...

Nice Grab Him By The Ballot November 3 Shirt

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 A joe Biden voter is someone who believes that an orange wannabe dictator shouldn't be occupying our White House. As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion. In general, be courteous to others. Debate/discuss/argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any advocating or wishing death/physical harm, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban. If you see  Nice Grab Him By The Ballot November 3 Shirt comments in violation of our rules, please report them. For those who have questions regarding any media outlets being posted on this subreddit, please click here to review our details as to our approved domains list and outlet criteria. I would pay anything to watch him be dragged out by the military. But he won't do that. He will keep trying to sow seeds of doubt in what is left of our democracy. Then go on to hold rallies and broadcast from his alt-right television channel, Trump TV, like he...

I Am A Simple Woman Chicken Wine Dog Paw And Flip Flop Shirt

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 So when republicans or democrats are trying to convince voters that Russia is bad the know that Russia us just the same as US, but they do it for the votes, because mentioning Russia is an easy selling point to US citizens who still have collective PTSD after the cold war. I'm kind of glad people are publicly tarring Socialists, Communists, and "Joe Biden voters" with the same brush. It's like watching people you disagree with announcing that they have no clue what they're talking about. I seriously doubt you read any newspapers not  I Am A Simple Woman Chicken Wine Dog Paw And Flip Flop Shirt posted or printed from ANY foreign source. You should learn how to read the news. I bet this is a Trump supporter. The odd use of the old American flag, as well as the Chinese flag (leftists don’t love China, and if they do it’s usually “eh, they’re pretty good;” the right, however, is obsessed with China and accuses all of their opponents of being CCP stooges), makes it ob...

Great Sloth Pennywise No Lives Matter Halloween Shirt

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 You guys (Americans) are getting socialism totally wrong, and you ate also getting Russia wrong, including the guy on the picture. I'm European and I'll try my best to explain those 2 in a very short fashion. Almost all European countries & Canada & Australia & New Zealand are considered socialist, but they are also capitalistic & democratic at the same time. Socialism just gives more social security to weaker parts of  Great Sloth Pennywise No Lives Matter Halloween Shirt the community, like the elderly (with pensions), kids & the ones that are not rich. It gives everyone medical insurance, maternity leave, 25 days of paid vacations, and so on. So the majority of people will benefit from this system. Russia - Russia is a complex country, most Americans and some European countries like Poland or Baltic countries hate or mistrust Russia due to the cold war. And yes I agree, USSR under Stalin was BAD, really bad. But Russia isn't under Stalin anymore, th...

Cute In A World Princesses Be A Nurse Shirt

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 I can’t believe that’s your takeaway from that comment. Trump isn’t the problem. Obama isn’t the problem. The system that gives us Obama and Trump is the problem. It’s a fucking one-party state with two different faces you fucking mongo. Democrats are just as bad as Republicans but they’re usually whitewashed in the media to seem like the “Good Guys™”. We’re a fucking imperialist terrorist superpower on the world stage no matter who’s in charge. Our voting population spends all their time arguing red vs  Cute In A World Princesses Be A Nurse Shirt blue rather than realizing that we’re being stomped on by corporations and lied to by most of our politicians. If you’re focused at all on left vs right rather than us vs them then you’re just straight-up ignorant to what’s happening. Welcome to American voting. Just remember, One Candidate doesn't believe in climate change and is responsible for over 150k domestic American deaths. Also, your vote for your congressional reps too. T...

Boo Boo Crew Ghost Nurse Retro Halloween Vintage 2020 Shirt

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 He's an old establishment DNC (Democratic party) guy and pretty centrist. The stuff he's saying now is to appeal to the more leftward folks so he can get more votes. Once he gets in office he will be like Obama Lite. Reverse the bad shit Trump has done but he's not gonna turn the U.S. into a communist utopia. I think it’s both hilarious and terrifying that America's Overton window is shifted so far right that someone as right-leaning as  Boo Boo Crew Ghost Nurse Retro Halloween Vintage 2020 Shirt joe fucking Biden can be smeared as a communist and a substantial number of people will believe it. The funny thing is someone who is that leftist won’t vote for Biden. Now I won’t comment on how stupid that is when we are looking at 4 more years of Trump. Ah I see, I'm just thinking on a global political compass. Naturally, he's less extreme than Trump but at least where I'm from there are very few politicians as far right as Biden. I'm just trying to comment...

Yes He’s Cycling I Don’t Know When He'Ll Be Home He’s Not An Imaginary Shirt

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 Mod banned me a few months ago and straight-up said because he didn’t agree with what I said. Wasn’t being a dick or anything. Taxes and the programs those taxes fund can and obviously do exist, even the hellish capitalism that is present in the US. Agreed, I hate the watering down of the term socialism that seems to be taking place in the popular consciousness. It has a very specific meaning, and it has nothing to do with taxing  Yes He’s Cycling I Don’t Know When He'Ll Be Home He’s Not An Imaginary Shirt citizens to fund social services. Literally every country does that whether it's a socialist country or not. I refuse to vote for any candidate who does not pledge that on day one of their term in office they will fire America's entire nuclear arsenal at random points all over the globe in an effort to render this planet uninhabitable down to the unicellular level and free us from the misery of samsara forever. they don't think the united proletariat can seize the me...

Raab Boris Cummings Gove Shapps Hancock Patel Reesmogg Sunak Shirt

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 I think the most bizarre accusation I've ever seen was someone calling Ron Paul a leftie loonie; I think it was because he advocated removing incentives for illegal immigrants to come here instead of spending a ton of money on border patrol and a wall. Legit had a coworker tell me that the two possible outcomes of the election is that: "one guy wins, keeps his position, and everything goes back to normal, or the other guy wins, they  Raab Boris Cummings Gove Shapps Hancock Patel Reesmogg Sunak Shirt start giving everything out for free and the country collapses". A higher up as well, like dude, has a lotta power. And he did the meme thing. This is why the "Bernie is unelectable because conservatives will call him a communist!" argument always made me laugh. These right-wing dipshits were always going to use red scare fearmongering tactics against even the most conservative or "moderate" Dem candidate possible. They did the same shit with Obama and Hi...

Official Notorious ACB Shirt

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 Isn’t it strange that we fought against things like children working in factories in the west because it was a moral outrage but under current capitalism, some people defend it as a necessary evil in developing countries because there are no other opportunities for those children? Somehow we were able to solve it but these other countries are incapable. There’s a degree of racist infantilizing there but I also suspect that the people  Official Notorious ACB Shirt saying it just want to keep buying cheaper goods. In all fairness, a lot of people who don’t use it as a negative bludgeon don’t know what it is either. The amount of times I’ve seen ‘roads and the military are socialism’ here on Reddit is astounding. Bernie pushes responsible capitalism with strong safety nets to empower the labor force and the decoupling of healthcare from employment. That's about as "socialist" as anyone on the left with a serious voice is. Tax brackets light-years to the right of the Nixon ...

Into The Ocean I Go To Lose My Mind And Find My Soul Shirt

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 Those stats are misleading. Those stats say. In many parts of Canada colleges and universities are different. College's grant diploma's for 2/3 year programs while Universities are the typical research institutions granting degrees. These are both tertiary institutions but are slightly different in scope. And there's also apprenticeships, certificates, non-diploma training. Which isn't uncommon in Canada, especially in blue-collar fields. So this is the fantasy they choose to substitute. Communism, capitalism, socialism is  Into The Ocean I Go To Lose My Mind And Find My Soul Shirt all ideologies that aren't freaking evil or good. It's so insane to me people don't seem to grasp that. And we tried pure capitalism, it didn't work. Remember children in factories? People losing limbs with zero recourse? Unions literally having firefights to protest? I have zero respect for people who don't do 2 seconds of research in what they shouting against. Public m...

I Am A Simple Woman Chicken Wine Dog Paw And Flip Flop Shirt

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 The government told businesses to shut down and for people to stay locked in to help limit the spread of the virus. They passed a stimulus that was handed out irresponsibly, they passed paycheck protection which didn’t have proper oversight by design and was obviously then robbed by the plutocrats. Now it’s weeks later and there’s still no plan to help out the working class. We’re the richest country on earth, and this is what my  I Am A Simple Woman Chicken Wine Dog Paw And Flip Flop Shirt tax money gets me? I have to watch businesses die out, families were thrown out on the street, and people starving because of my government's inability to get something so obviously done? And there are STILL people who think that the person running everything is doing a good job. I’m sharing a country with people that just don’t see the bigger picture. When the bill comes due, it's gonna hurt, but that money has not been siphoned off (by and large) to corporations through massive tax cuts...

Cute Quarantaine Halloween T-Shirt

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 I don’t think that it follows that because x amount of immigration is of economic benefit that any amount of immigration is of economic benefit. If that were the case then it would be beneficial for American living standards that everyone in the world immediately moved to America which seems absurd on the face of it. So there must be an optimal amount of immigration (from a purely economic perspective), though I make no  Cute Quarantaine Halloween T-Shirt claim to knowing where that optimum lies. Milton Friedman does make a very good point here though that unlimited immigration is optimal when there is no welfare state for immigrants whatsoever because then the absence of new work will act as a ceiling to excess immigration. For a long time, people came and went between the US and Mexico without much issue. Then we tightened security and increased immigration both legally and illegally. Locking the door to the border isn't a solution. Most people are fine living on their sid...

Awesome Notorious ACB T-Shirt

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 For me, open borders are about reducing disparities between the place of birth. It's about abolishing national differences and having the UN essentially be more of a world government. The difference between born in one country, or 500 feet away in a different country should not dramatically change your life. I'm not better than someone born in a Brazilian favela, I just got lucky to be born in a wealthy, prosperous nation in a decent neighborhood so I could get a decent education/to go to college/not have to worry about  Awesome Notorious ACB T-Shirt violence. You could also make an economic argument, immigrants are generally a net positive to the economy. Not only do they provide more resources in the form of labor and income taxes (a tax you would lose if these same people are working illegally), they also consume and pay into the economy in other ways. Immigrants still need to pay for housing, food, transportation, etc and all of those dollars are helping businesses stay ...

Yes He’s Cycling I Don’t Know When He'll Be Home He’s Not An Imaginary Shirt

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 In general, be courteous to others. Debate/discuss/argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any advocating or wishing death/physical harm, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban. If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them. Bernie isn't even out here crying for socialism. He rants about the necessities of welfare programs, but he ain't screaming about workers taking control of the capital. Although it is funny because there are plenty who do  Yes He’s Cycling I Don’t Know When He'll Be Home He’s Not An Imaginary Shirt wish exactly what the Republicans claim but are then left disappointed when it turns out to be a lie. Me, I personally have been waiting for that open borders thing Trump has said the Democrats supported for god damn years and so far all I got is the sort of disappointment that only Stormy Daniels can truly relate to. So it’s more of an ethical stance ...

Raab Boris Cummings Gove Shapps Hancock Patel Reesmogg Sunak Shirt

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 Not unless you are in the highest individual income tax bracket. If you have an income of over $400,000, then you can expect a 2.7% increase in income tax. If you have an income of over $1 million, then you can expect to see cap gains taxes taxed at the same rate as other incomes. That's it. And prominent Republicans denouncing the republican nominee is indeed newsworthy. But explain to me, how is it in any way newsworthy or surprising that a Democrat former president would endorse the Democrat nominee instead of the  Raab Boris Cummings Gove Shapps Hancock Patel Reesmogg Sunak Shirt republican one? Socialism has nothing to do with raising or lowering taxes. You can argue whether or not it's a good idea but calling it "socialism" is just plain incorrect. He actually rejected the socialized medicine proposal, M4A, he supports a public option though, which is not socialized. Overall, there's real and valid criticism for Biden and this platform, but to call a corpo...

Official Ruth Sent Me RBG Shirt

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 Joe Biden is not the right person for this moment in our nation's history. He is simply what you ended up with. The right person if you want socialism. If you want to lose your retirement, your 401k, higher taxes, less freedom, socialized medicine. Just let me know when he plans to take away the wealth from Gates, Obama, Sanders, and many others and redistribute it. Yeah, he took his manifesto directly from sanders. Wants to  Official Ruth Sent Me RBG Shirt raise taxes, take your 401, socialized medicine, the green energy fiasco. Even sanders brag that if he gets in, he would be the most progressive president ever, socialism. The right person for this moment is a 45-50-year-old charismatic candidate without endless corpses in closets or awkward video moments who will clean house. Unfortunately, we don't have that person yet. So we have to stick with what we have: A way too old guy who's not too sharp anymore due to age and has a ton of history ripe for attack-ads. Buy it:...

Nice Super Rosario Super Mario Shirt

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 I’m sorry but what the hell are you talking about? The only thing Trump has accomplished is to fill his pockets with stolen money. We’re in an economic down then (which a democrat will have to fix again for the third time in a row), 175,000 people are dead from something that he claimed was a hoax and he does not but debase and insult every person who either didn’t come out of his dick or he’s not putting his dick in. The man has an ego so fragile that he spends most of his day rage tweeting Instead of solving the crisis. There is voting for  Nice Super Rosario Super Mario Shirt someone to rock the vote and there is voting for Trump who will crash the boat and try to turn it into a crappy hotel. Trump didn't end shit, the USA is still knee-deep in the middle East and trump is trying to push you deeper into war, if that wasn't the case he wouldn't have taken out Kasem solei mani. That was an idiotic move that did nothing but add gasoline to the fire. Neither Biden nor Trum...

I Am A Simple Woman Chicken Wine Dog Paw And Flip Flop Shirt

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 Wow. Way to take every president in between out of the equation. You forgot "I did not have sexual relations with that woman", Watergate, Benghazi, drone striking unnecessarily, the patriot act, and "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" and I'm quite certain JFK had his fair share of lewd or obscene conversations as well given he was quite a playboy too. The media constantly distorts shit he says. If he had said "there's nothing to  I Am A Simple Woman Chicken Wine Dog Paw And Flip Flop Shirt worry about, we will take care of you in this unprecedented time" the media would have said "Trump says the pandemic isn't anything" and ran with that much like they have already in the past. Is it possible he was knee-jerking to a question looking for a real answer with genuine intent? Sure. It's definitely possible. I’m sorry, all credit to Jimmy for his presidency but I think he’s out of touch with society if he’s endorsing ...

Just A Girl Who Loves Horror Movies Shirt

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 And given the convictions that have been handed down against many of Trump’s top advisers. There’s reason to believe that even pro-Trump jurors can be persuaded to convict him. “The evidence was overwhelming,” concluded one MAGA supporter who served on the jury that convicted Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman. “I did not want [him] to be guilty. But he was, and no one is above the law.” This is never going to happen. Not just because he's the president but because it is a remarkably rare occurrence for  Just A Girl Who Loves Horror Movies Shirt someone who makes more than $10 million a year to even see a courtroom much less jail time. But him being a sitting president pretty much guarantees this is a pipe dream. The sad thing is he goes to a federal prison in the American people pay for his retirement condo where he would still be able to play golf every day Personally I think you should be stripped of everything just put them in the streets let them see how the...

Halloween Dogs Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Shirt

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 We are all Americans here, same as we were when Obama was president and when George Bushes were president. We are all Americans and we have to stand together against those who would lie to our stupid, ignorant faces to get our votes when they would gladly run us over in their limo or have one of their "people" hunt us down or put a bounty on our heads to shut us up. Or our own troops. No one is at fault. People don't  Halloween Dogs Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Shirt understand psychological manipulation or internet memes or agents of chaos pretending. To be Americans to lure Americans into violent and illegal behavior. Peaceful protestors don't know that people are using them to mask violent acts by creeping on their social media and pretending to be in their groups - then doxxings and spreading people's personal info because they don't protect anything with passwords or know everyone on their friend's list. Buy it:  Halloween Dogs Make Me Hap...

Premium I Am A Baseball Mom Shirt

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 That is all too good to be true. A common criminal is not likely to be punished by our “justice for all“ system. There’s jury’s all over the US that let guilty criminals go free every day. . . unless you are a poor minority. Then God helps you if you’re black. I’m getting off the subject. Him going to prison is a dream, no matter how much evidence is presented, that is not likely to happen. Such a shit article. Even with that stupid headline photo, I tried to read it. I made it through about 7 or 8 paragraphs and finally gave up. The sooner I forget the  Premium I Am A Baseball Mom Shirt fact that I was unfortunate enough to let this garbage peak my interest, the better. I'd honestly love to hear more on the topic, but this writer is textbook insufferable. Somebody pass me the eye bleach. The best revenge is him feeling like the loser he is by losing the election and the most likely outcome that he'll be senile or dead by the time his lawyers have used all their delay motion...

Pig September Girl I’m Not Getting Old I’m Just Becoming A Classic Vintage Retro Shirt

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 I know it will probably never happen...but I have a fantasy where Trump loses the election then he goes to walk to the helicopter to fly away as all the ex-presidents do. Instead, several law enforcement agencies are waiting in front of the helicopter to charge him now that he no longer has the protection of the office. Stop getting my fucking hopes up. This is n very going to happen. Even if he does lose, they'll just sweep it all under the  Pig September Girl I’m Not Getting Old I’m Just Becoming A Classic Vintage Retro Shirt rug as they did with Bush, as they did with Reagan, as they did with Nixon. Every other person I live with is a Trump supporter and they absolutely despise Biden. I honestly hope they are in the minority because it makes me pessimistic about the outcome of the election. Nothing will happen to Trump. If he is charged and tried for anything he did as or while president. It will create a precedent where anyone who holds the office can be held responsible ...

Official Joe Biden No Malarkey Shirt

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 It seems unlikely Trump will ever see prison time. Even if he is somehow convicted the America of today can't have a president in jail. It just looks bad and that's something I think those in power in the Republican or Democrat party would agree on behind closed doors whilst making as much bluster and show for the public as possible. Let's discuss this topic on November 4th. I humbly suggest that we focus on increasing voter participation now to overcome Republican voter suppression and apathy tactics. The US is dunzo. I don’t see  Official Joe Biden No Malarkey Shirt how Biden “wins” with the massive...MASSIVE corruption and election fraud going on. Coupled with 35% of the country completely sold on Trump being legit....enough to create chaos. Thing is, it isn’t Trump.trump is a con, fraud, narcissist, despicable creature. But everyone knows that. Everyone knows he is incompetent. The real issue is the enablers in the senate ... and that fuck nugget Barr. . They know and ...

Nice Pumpkin Spice And Latte Jesus Shirt

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 They need to arrest him, his family, and all his croons as soon as the election results come out (hopefully in our favor) before they all decide to move to Russia for protection! If there is real justice, let’s hope even Russia rejects them as they can’t be his puppets anymore and won’t have any use for them. This is probably bullshit. The only way Trump faces punishment is if an angry mob gets ahold of him. With his lifetime secret  Nice Pumpkin Spice And Latte Jesus Shirt service detail and news stories like this that give false hope of legal consequences, it almost certainly won’t happen. This is one mother fucker I want to see in jail! This man will tear this country apart to get what he wants. I don’t understand what “anyone” sees’s in him. He’s anti-American! It’s so obvious he doesn’t give a shit about the goons “sheeple” that support him. Well, if it goes to trial while Trump is still in office, don't expect anything to come of it. We can't continue to just slap the w...

Flamingo Pontoon Queen Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Shirt

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 No other president has betrayed America like Trump. Willfully lying about a pandemic, working with a foreign power to corrupt our elections, violating the Hatch Act, violating the Emoluments Clause, violating the oath to protect and serve the American people, the list goes on and on. He deserves prison and the American people deserve justice. Nothings ever gonna happen he could stand on stage and call all of his supporters idiots and they’d just say he’s owning the libs. When Trump talked about draining the swamp, who  Flamingo Pontoon Queen Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Shirt could have predicted it would have been his own swamp that he created. This right here is beyond fucked up. It's fucking disgusting how being rich automatically entitles you to get away with shit before your ass even has to set foot in a courtroom because an attorney doesn't want to deal with the hassle of fighting a law firm only the wealthy can afford. What a farce, all this proves is Americans on...

Libra Queen Beautiful Dope Black Women Shirt

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 What Cuomo needs to do is accept a bribe from Trump to pardon him. Pretend to be as corrupt as the judges and politicians Trump has used to stay out of prison so far. But share all the info with whatever LEO is trustworthy. So that way Trump will expect to be pardoned. But then when he gets found guilty, instead of pardoning him release the info about the bribe and charge him for that too. But none of this matters if  Libra Queen Beautiful Dope Black Women Shirt Trump wins re-election, because the statutes of limitation would run out before he leaves office. Trump is really good at running out the clock. And if he cheats his way to re-election, he may just be president for life because he'll continue to corrupt the office and the elections to the point that I don't think we'd ever have another fair election again. Honestly at this point who gives a shit. Not a trump supporter at all but dam only thing that matters now is voting in November. Buy it:  Libra Queen Beautiful...

Keep America Great Trump 2020 Made In USA Elections Shirt

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 Not to mention all the other hundreds of things this dingus has done but he’s on record telling his advisors how deadly COVID is. He admits to slowing down testing to make numbers seem better. Has admitted to doing nothing with the belief that heard immunity aka letting a ton of people die will take over and it will disappear. He said the summer would slow it down (it didn’t). He’s held rallies even though he knows it will lead to deaths. He should be in cuffs, he’s no better than the Chinese government that purposely hid the virus. This a  Keep America Great Trump 2020 Made In USA Elections Shirt shameful stupid country. I for one am for cooperation and progress for all people in every country. Governments are corrupt but what a lot of people forget is there are just normal people in every country that really have nothing to do with the government. Wish we could all do better as a human race. We arent all crazy racist assholes here in the US. Sorry, so many make us look so a...

Official Coffee Rain Hipsters Anarchy Shirt

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 If he loses badly and can't see a path to holding onto power, there's a good chance he resigns and has Pence pardon him, but that could set up a fun constitutional law case. I know it's happened, but no one has ever bothered to challenge those pardons. Nobody ever bothered to test it though. Everyone just shrugged and went "meh". Just because it has happened and no one bothered to drag it through the courts, doesn't mean the courts would agree that it's acceptable. Those are the people with severe cases of Dunning-Kruger, the  Official Coffee Rain Hipsters Anarchy Shirt people who have a shitload of guns and are eager to move from army-cosplay to real-life militia. Pence can't save him from State charges. There's a good chance New York and NYC are gonna get him for tax fraud. September 25th is the next day for news about that. The people who are indoctrinated to believe Q and other bullshit from Fox News & OAN.  Buy it:  Official Coffee Rain ...