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It's to counter the propaganda. Trump supporters are incentivized to spread articles like this since it increases likelihood of supporters making greater efforts to go out to vote (i.e. even in extenuating circumstances) and decreases the likelihood that Republicans who plan to vote Blue stay home. Thank you. I'm sick of the doom and gloom. I want to see him winning polls because it fires me up and gets me excited to vote. I'm super excited about Biden, his policies and his malleable stances where he's willing to listen. When I run Sugar Skull Trippy Day Of The Dead Muertos Shirt simulations, Trump currently has a 1:10 chance of winning reelection based on current polls. That doesn't mean Trump is guaranteed to lose even if the polls are accurate. Remember. Trump had a 1:4 chance of winning election based on 538's last simulation in 2016, which means Trump winning wasn't entirely unexpected given the polls. So everyone needs to vote. When it comes to the ...