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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2020

Pretty Stitch Jedi Master Star War Shirt

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I've seen busloads of tourists from China, Japan, etc unload near where I work and the crowds of people who would gather around a stupid squirrel sitting on a tree was amazing. Some of the more aggressive photographers would follow the squirrel taking pictures. I wanted to  Pretty Stitch Jedi Master Star War Shirt tell them that squirrels are a dime a dozen but why spoil their fun? The tourist thinks it's a special thing they are seeing so let it be. I've seen busloads of tourists from China, Japan, etc unload near where I work and the crowds of people who would gather around a stupid squirrel sitting on a tree was amazing. Some of the more aggressive photographers would follow the squirrel taking pictures. I wanted to tell them that squirrels are a dime a dozen but why spoil their fun? The tourist thinks it's a special thing they are seeing so let it be. It's more like their common squirrels (like red squirrels in Europe) are shy, timid, and often not even really ...

Perfect Worship Me Tee By Ghost And Darkness Shirt

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I just studied for 6 months in Germany, and this is what I missed most. It was a challenge to find water for free at many restaurants, and if I ordered a drink it was the same price as in the US and I got very little. The reason we have free refills is  Perfect Worship Me Tee By Ghost And Darkness Shirt that drinks come in large containers of syrup that get mixed with the water and carbonation in a fountain on site. At fast food restaurants, it costs the restaurant more to provide you with a cup than the liquid that they order in bulk. This makes unlimited refills feasible, vs the individual glass bottles everyone in Europe is serving. I also must admit that whilst I do think it's okay to have to pay for non-water drinks like coke etc. I find it absolutely fascinating that here, in Germany, they usually literally charge you for every single drop of non-sparkling water that they are just getting out of their water tap as well. It's rare that water is free/included......

Original Skull Deadhead Floral Shirt

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My daughter was taking drive through orders at a fast food restaurant. Customer ordered a salad and daughter asked what kind of ranch they wanted with  Original Skull Deadhead Floral Shirt their salad. Customer stammered a bit, then one of the other workers who was wearing a headset told her to ask what kind of dressing they wanted. Apparently she thought all salad dressings were ranch- ranch ranch, italian ranch, french ranch, etc. Not sure if that's a reflection on her parents or not. This is true. I live in NYC, hate the crowds and go into my emotional privacy cocoon during my commute, but when I see someone confused about the subway or trying to find their way around the city, I will stop and see if they need some help. I know I'm not extra nice or anything, and that lots of people are like this. Ask for help or directions on a crowded subway and 20 people will volunteer to help. New Yorkers have never let me down when I’m visiting and confused. I’ve had strangers es...

Official Skeleton Happy Halloween Shirt

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American that just traveled overseas. I went to a great bookstore in Edinburgh and the cashier asked if I wanted to sign up for a rewards membership. This led to a conversation about how their CEO or something just took over Barnes and Noble in the States. I stated the closest B&N to me is an hour away, and the other cashier jumped in, saying how easy it is to  Official Skeleton Happy Halloween Shirt forget how far apart things are in the States. He was just kind of baffled and said it often blows his mind. I moved 13 hours away from my hometown and I still manage to be in the same country, which seems like a foreign concept for most Europeans. When, in reality, I could have moved even further away and still been in the US. 've heard that to go containers aren't popular in other countries? Is that true where you are? I can never finish my plate and always get to-go boxes as long as it will reheat well. I'll tend to order larger plates sometimes so I know I will have lu...

Nice Sorry I’m Late I Was Drinking Whisky Shirt

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Inviting people over for the holidays is just this cultural thing where we want to share the holiday celebration with people and make sure they have someone to celebrate with. It's really just a matter of "oh, you don't get to go celebrate with your family, well then you can come join my family so you can still celebrate." Even if you wouldn't feel like you're missing out on the celebration (or are avoiding it), we don't want you to  Nice Sorry I’m Late I Was Drinking Whisky Shirt feel like you are missing out. As a lifelong American, I think it helps to understand Thanksgiving isnt necessarily a "family" holiday here. Many homes have an open-door policy that day. And I've taken leftover packages to my local corner marts for the ones who have to work. But, yeah, you def get put to work haha. Suddenly I was helping in the kitchen. I was asked to slice tomatoes. A little girl started to cry, I was asked to take her to the living room. My job w...

Pretty Tupac Chopra Shirt

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I've spent a lot if time outside the US but I cannot get over pooping and having my turd just sitting there in the open air until it's flushed. Once had a toilet in Austria that effectively had a flat shelf under the natural poop landing place, and it was washed to  Pretty Tupac Chopra Shirt the front upon flushing. The most horribly designed toilet I've ever seen. Turd just sitting there stinking up the place. God forbid you have diarrhea. Oh my god. When I was studying abroad in Italy, my group and I tipped our waiter something like 75€ and in broken English he told us to wait in our seats. It was our first week abroad and we didn’t know if we did something wrong and were a little nervous. A couple minutes later he brings our entire table shots of Limoncello on the house because it’s not customary to tip and he wanted to treat us because we gave him a large tip. I went to Israel for several years and lived on a kibbutz. Eventually, another American from Miami, we’re ta...

Original Vision Shirt

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Anyway, in Scotland – and I've been led to believe that the rest of the United Kingdom is similar in this regard – the selection is considerably more limited. Sure, there's still a decent chance that you'll find the majority of the entries on your list, but only if the shelves had been  Original Vision Shirt recently restocked. About the only thing that has more than three versions available is canned haggis... and I have to be honest, I genuinely thought that the popularity of that particular item was a joke made by Americans. While we're on the subject of garbage (and that is a joke made by Americans), trash receptacles are few and far between in The Land of the Lochs. In San Francisco, you can find one on literally every street corner. In Edinburgh, you have to "queue" for a "fortnight" in order to get close to a "bin," which may or may not end up being a surprisingly small "Wetherspoon." (That's like an Applebee's whi...

Official I Would But I’m Social Distancing Shirt

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Same here. I'm a size NZ14 which I think is American 12. Literally got pushed out of a clothes shop in Italy by the sales assistant as I was too big for anything they had and they didn't want me trying anything on as I would stretch or rip them. Sad because I was actually wanting to buy something for my daughter. I so wanted to pick up a tiny pair of trousers, come out of the changing room and tell her they were a perfect fit. Doors aren't legally required to  Official I Would But I’m Social Distancing Shirt open outwards! In the US, we have fire safety codes that require doors to open outwards to prevent people getting crushed against doors or trapped in the event of evacuation. This was not true in any of the countries I've lived abroad in--Peru, Germany, and Brazil--or at least not enforced, and I spent a lot of time trying to push a door open only to discover it was a pull. See, in the United States, you get used to having a lot of selection; too much selection, as ...

Official Halloween Horror Team Scary Movies Friends Shirt

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I’m an American living in New Zealand for a few years now. And, the fact it’s super uncommon to use an electric jug or kettle to boil water in the States blew their mind. I would frequently get, “How do you boil your water then? Do you just stand there at  Official Halloween Horror Team Scary Movies Friends Shirt the stove for a long time?” On a side note, using a jug has really increased my Ramen noodle game. It takes like a minute now. I️ haven’t been out of the country but my sister studied abroad in Scotland and she told me that for their first day of class they raised the flag and they were just Letting lay on the ground and didn’t have a problem with it in America we never let our flag touch the ground and if it does it has to be given to the military or Boy Scouts (there are probably others but those are the ones I️ know of) to be burned ceremoniously. American patriotism in general is quite weird. I was travelling in America recently and the difference is really o...

Official Gabagool Fortina Pizza Shirt

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Europe is a mixture of many different countries, every single country is very different in culture. I am from Europe and I have visited most of the european countries and I can tell you that they are all different and have different people and different things. Comparing for example Netherlands and Serbia, it is two different worlds, like USA and Germany is for example. Ice water, glorious ice water. It's gotten better but it's still far too hard and expensive to  Official Gabagool Fortina Pizza Shirt get cold water in Europe. I'm from Arizona so I'm used to drinking it by the gallon and am always parched and woozy when I'm traveling Europe because I can never get enough. Being fat as hell, like morbidly obese. When I went to Poland for business, everyone was average build and the fat people were pleasantly plump, nothing like the typical land whale fare you see out and about at Walmart or other fine establishments. Even at a business meeting, in the conference roo...

Official Jesus Matters #Jesus Matters Shirt

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I think most Americans don't really get that default hockey is actually more played and viewed internationally than ice hockey. Then some people find it utterly bizarre that you could say hockey and be referring to ice hockey because it seems like  Official Jesus Matters #Jesus Matters Shirt common sense that the original sport gets the original name and the variants like ice, air or underwater hockey have variant names. The ADA (American's with Disabilities Act). Not the act, obviously, but the idea of having government mandated allowances for people with disabilities. My Ah-Ha moment was being in the Montreal subway and realizing there weren't rumble strips (bumpy floor) to help blind people identify the edge of the platform. After that, just noticing how many buildings had no elevators (even if they were recently renovated), lack of curb cutouts, etc. We talk very loudly. I notice other Americans instantly because of this, especially on public transport. We sound very...

Official I Can’t Adl Today #Otlife Shirt

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Everything from your server coming over to tell you specials to bringing your drinks to getting your payment is at least 3x slower. At every sit down restaurant we went to it was like our waiter and everyone around us was thinking, “what’s their big hurry?!” If we spent less than 2 hours at the table. Being a server in the US is so stressful but I saw no stress from  Official I Can’t Adl Today #Otlife Shirt any waiter or waitress we encountered in Europe. It made me realize just how much the “rat race” mentality affects every part of American life. In America sitting at a restaurant for a couple of hours, savoring your food, and talking leisurely with someone over a meal is typically seen as a waste of time unless it’s like a business lunch. Not to mention the entire staff of an American restaurant would want to kill you for taking up a table that long. Friend of mine was in Japan for a week doing some training. His last night there he is tired and the hotel he is stayin...

Nice John Wick Be Kind To Animals Or I’ll Kill You Shirt

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Also, people in other countries wear clothes that fit them properly, even if they don't have the physique of a supermodel. I think that is one of the biggest fashion differences. Americans love baggy clothes, although it is much less pronounced in major cities. In Atlanta, we used to be able to spot the suburbanites the same way that American tourists can be spotted in other countries. This is gonna sound a little weird maybe, but... lazy clothes. Americans sort of have a ‘uniform’, for lack of a better word, and nine times out of ten I can pinpoint the American in a  Nice John Wick Be Kind To Animals Or I’ll Kill You Shirt crowd because of it. T-shirt (hoodie if it’s cold), cargo shorts (or leggings-as-pants if female), tennis shoes. Now I’m not gonna say Japan doesn’t do casual because they definitely do, but I guess it’s more like, casual is a fashion and they make it look good while they’re outside, whereas the American look is just comfort above all else. Apparently ...

I Don’t Always Herdy Dur Mur Flerpty Floopin But When I Do Shirt

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I'm Bulgarian but I'm fluent in English mostly thanks to all the movies and shows I watch. Due to that I've developed sort of an American accent since I pronounce words the way I've heard them the most. A couple of years ago I was reading a book on  I Don’t Always Herdy Dur Mur Flerpty Floopin But When I Do Shirt the bus when some guy started talking to me in English (the book was in English). We talked a bit and he asked me if I was American because I sounded like one. At that point I was 20-something and I've never left the country. American accent is absolutely a thing. I know it’s too late and this is going to get buried, but Alfredo sauce. My friends and I went to a grocery store in Sienna, Italy and couldn’t find Alfredo sauce anywhere. We asked an employee in unbelievably broken Italian for “white cheese sauce” but she had no clue what we were talking about. Window screens. Why do y’all just let bugs into your house whenever the windows are open? I lived in ...

Cute Disney Muppets Kermit The Frog Face Shirt

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For Britain specifically, those switches y'all have on your outlets confused the hell outta me. PEANUT BUTTER. Once I moved to Eastern Europe with a brutal winter and expensive hot water, showering every single day became a luxury. Automatic cars. But I have to  Cute Disney Muppets Kermit The Frog Face Shirt say especially I was shocked at how our particular brand of patriotism seems so incredibly overzealous in comparison to the other countries I've lived in. I went to the States once (from Australia). The Mrs and me couldn't figure out how to turn on a plug to charge our phones at our air b&b. Turned out what we thought was the light switch at normal light switch height on the wall, was the switch for almost all the living room outlets. When I lived in France, I obviously had an American accent when I spoke French that people picked up on in about 2 seconds pretty much anywhere in France that I traveled. My French friends would make fun of me (with love) and call m...

I Became A Postal Worker Essential Because Your Life Is Worth My Time Shirt

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It’s not that long time ago I learned that this was a very Nordic thing. I live in Denmark and both my children has taken naps in their strollers outside, all ways, all year round. And everyone I know does this too. In apparent complexes you can see strollers on the balconies of the home with small children in them. In daycare, the little ones naps outside too. We travelled to the states when our oldest was 8 month, and we brought our stroller along. Everyone was pushing their small babies around in car seats like strollers, and there we where with our jumbo sized  I Became A Postal Worker Essential Because Your Life Is Worth My Time Shirt baby bed with mattress and wheels lol. In more than one occasion we where asked how many children we had in that thing. American here, Lived in Europe for 5 years (Italy, Germany, and UK), and in most big cities our tourist areas, Americans could be spotted a mile away for this very reason. Their clothing is just noticeably different...

LGBT I Never Dreamed I’d Grow Up To Be A Gay But Here I Am Killin’ IT Shirt

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Another team had their house with an LA "theme" which I still don't understand but it just hadn't occurred to me that a vacation to a place like LA for someone in Australia is as exotic for me as a trip to Australia. Or having a house looking like the inside of a Johnny Rockets is as insanely fascinating to them as a house looking like an australian bungalow with koalas is to  LGBT I Never Dreamed I’d Grow Up To Be A Gay But Here I Am Killin’ IT Shirt me. If you mean old timey like the 1950's then yes there is a niche of people who are into things like the whole Grease aesthetic. I don't do anything with that style with my clothes or furnishings but I do really enjoy the whole 1950's Americana stuff. It's a really famous era style wise. There are plenty of American styles that are popular here although I don't know what LA style is. I like vintage Palm Beach, Hamptons and American mid century. Many people are also in...

Nice I Have Terrible Ideas If You Need Any Shirt

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More common in UK but to not have to electrical outlets in restrooms/bathrooms. Like how do you hair blow dry your hair and clean your hands from the hair products you just used? Do it in the bedroom on the ground or a dresser that you have to buy a mirror for when there’s a perfectly good mirror in the bathroom and a sink? My British colleagues say watching American movies seeing scenes of hair blow dryers in the restroom is so foreign to them. Also in the UK having independent switches on every outlet. TBF the regulations governing UK power sockets in bathrooms and other similar wet rooms, and sockets with switches, are pretty unique Nice I Have Terrible Ideas If You Need Any Shirt Europe AFAIK. I (German) have lived in the UK for 20 years now and it still annoys me that there is no socket in our bathroom to charge my shaver or electric toothbrush! The fact that sockets have switches here is probably related to the inexplicable fear of electrical fires... At least that is what m...

Pittsburgh Penguins Face Mask 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantine Shirt

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Dressing like shit to do stuff like grocery shop. Went to the netherlands for about 2 weeks, and we never saw anyone dress in comfy shit. Like, everyone looked nice, everywhere, at all hours. You catch me walking through walmart at 3 a.m. and im wearing old Pj's, whatever shirt i happened to exist in, and im probably not wearing socks. Japan has this down. My sister lives there, and I met her in Tokyo my first trip there and we stayed in an AirBnB for  Pittsburgh Penguins Face Mask 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantine Shirt the first few days of my trip. She would not stop bitching about the terrible water pressure of this place. I didn't really get it. It was on par, maybe better than my own bathroom at home. Then we went back to her apartment. Like a pressure washer. It was glorious and efficient. I worked in a job where we opened up a manufacturing plant in Juarez, Mexico. It's not that far from the border, but I was surprised how the cultures shifted so differ...

Original Video Games Are Calling Shirt

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Going out to a restaurant. In America, you are seated ASAP, and then they bring you drinks, appetizers, entree, desert and then check as quick as they possibly can (if it's good service) for a total time of 45 minutes to an hour and a halfish. Staying past this time is seen as a bit rude. In Europe, going out to eat seemed to be more of an event that you  Original Video Games Are Calling Shirt slowly enjoyed for a longer period of time. First, they you bring you drinks and an appetizer for the first hour. Then the second hour is the entree and desert. Then it's more drinks for another half hour or so. I don't know if it's because we were American but it seemed like the wait staff everywhere we went was annoyed that we were rushing them, when we just thought it was bad service and didn't understand the routine. True in a way, they actually mean to improve your life by saying "vous mangez mal" - you are eating badly. Don't take it personally. For exampl...

Perfect Jack Skellington And Sally Shirt

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It's funny, I'm not American either but while travelling I spoke with Americans who mentioned they found it strange that Europeans would barely greet them or would look at them with a stern face. It's definitely something American to greet and smile to  Perfect Jack Skellington And Sally Shirt strangers, cause I never do it either. As soon as I leave my house my resting bitch face sets in. I don't even mean anything by it, it's just a matter of habit. On an episode of Radio Lab they went into why America is like this. Its because America is historically a country of immigrants. And whats the easiest way for two people, who don't speak the same language, passing each other on the street, to let each other know they're not going to be hostile? Smile. S’mores. I was in New Zealand having a bonfire on the beach and someone went and grabbed a bag of marshmallows and then everyone just ate them??! By themselves?! And someone from Sweden asked me if s’mores were a...

Pretty Woof Woof Madafakas Vintage Shirt

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Eating a burger and fries with your hands. I just assumed everyone did this. I went to Sweden with my boyfriend and we stopped at a burger joint. Small local place. When the chef heard we were American he immediately wanted us to try a speciality burger he made and tell him what we thought about it. They were all excited when we picked it up with our hands and we realized everyone else in the place was using a fork and knife. Burger was 11/10. I grew up in the US and moved to Europe about 10 years ago. I learned quickly to get out of the habit of smiling or saying hello to strangers on the street. I didn't understand why people found it so  Pretty Woof Woof Madafakas Vintage Shirt off-putting at first, because I thought I was simply being polite. A European friend explained that it comes across as phony/untrustworthy and puts people on their guard. It can still be hard sometimes to shake the feeling that I'm being "rude" by not smiling at everyone I pass by. One of m...

Original Lip And Lipstick Vergo Slay Shirt

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Road trips...at least just jumping in the car and driving a few hours without giving it much thought. I live in a large western state and it seems at least every other weekend my family and I were in the car traveling for a few hours to see some site, go into Mexico or another state. I have relatives in Switzerland and they were going to drive us to the Frankfurt airport and I was blown away how big of a deal it was to them. My uncle had the car inspected, shopped around for gas, and printed off travel and weather reports. All for a trip my dad would have said "hey lets do this this weekend, in the car kids!" My Dad had had occasion to do some work in  Original Lip And Lipstick Vergo Slay Shirt the Soviet Union in the 1960s -- he was an engineer on particle physics experiments -- and so came to know a few of those guys. Well, right after the Soviet Union fell, one of the scientists he knew came for a visit and he and his wife were simply astonished by the idea of a garbage d...

Official Practice Safe Sax Vintage Shirt

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My dad and his friend were visiting Vietnam some years ago and they went to a restaurant and ordered what they thought was a normal amount of food. Shortly in to the meal they noticed that all the restaurant staff were clustered at the kitchen door staring at them. They had never seen anyone order so much for two. As a Brit in the US I was shocked at the amount of cheese in nearly everything. It’s virtually impossible to get any kind of sandwich that doesn’t automatically come with a slice of cheese in it. Oh and the bread in the super market is sweet but most  Official Practice Safe Sax Vintage Shirt Americans don’t notice it, I thought that was just messed up. First visit to a restaurant after being stationed in West Berlin (it was awhile ago) I asked the waiter for a glass of water, then four of my fellow soldiers chimed in that they would like a glass of water as well. The waiter replied "four glasses of American Champagne coming up!" Upon his return with the water, ...

Nice Safe Sax I’m Saxy And I Know It Vintage Shirt

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I moved to England from Texas about six years ago. One of the major things that I noticed was that smiling and being friendly towards strangers was considered bizarre. This is a bit true in any metropolitan area, but especially in the UK. In Texas I was used to smiling at people, asking for directions if I needed them, and being friendly towards strangers. I learned very quickly that smiling at someone on the tube, or asking someone for directions on the street immediately makes someone think you’re trying to scam/rob them or you’re crazy. I did an art history  Nice Safe Sax I’m Saxy And I Know It Vintage Shirt course in Italy. What really stood out to me was the size of cars over there. Over here you have a mix of mid sized sedans and pick up trucks/SUV'S, with the occasional compact car (back when I went compact cars here were incredibly scarce). Over there, it seemed like most everyone drove a compact car, with the occasional sports car. I remember counting six pickup truc...

August Lifestyle It’s Not Just A Month Flowers Shirt

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Everyone I know who currently have orders to Japan and Korea have a mandatory quarantine where they are literally quarantined on base in isolated dorms and their food is brought to them without physical contact for two weeks. I can't believe there is any base commander who would risk their career by not inforcing this. The people responsible in these stop-over incidents while a single air crew is TDY would be the AC or airborne commander of  August Lifestyle It’s Not Just A Month Flowers Shirt the crew. So some Major or LtCol in charge of 60 odd guys or so. That's who needs to be punished. Our leadership at the top. Military members are pretty much held under the thumb of the president and those appointed above them, and normally do a pretty good job of upholding that. Lack of leadership is allowing idiots to thrive. Because American military grabs men and women from all walks of life, but primarily from the boonies/bumfuck nowhere are the bulk who join. Places where you...